Photo Gallery Photo Gallery City Church Spring Break Lunch, March 13, 2024 City Church Spring Break Lunch City Church Spring Break Lunch City Church Spring Break Lunch September 27, 2023: We enjoyed hearing from Dr. Jeff Cranmore today as he talked about the McKinney High School Community Garden. We can’t wait to partner with Dr. Cranmore and the MHS Garden Club. September 23, 2023: The McKinney Lions are proud supporters of McKinney’s La Tiendita, “The Little Store.” Today, we were honored to be present for La Tiendita’s Ribbon Cutting. September 22, 2023: Let the 2023 Oktoberfest Goodwill Games begin! Come see your McKinney Lions Club! September 21, 2023: The McKinney Leos have taken the responsibility for the MHS food pantry. They are busy organizing and packing bags to send home. September 9, 2023: District Governor Lion Woody Matthews recently installed our new members and spoke to all of us about being a Lion. September 11, 2023: It was an honor to represent the McKinney Lions Club while setting up flags to honor those who were killed on September 11, 2001. September 7, 2023: The McKinney High School LEOS Club is starting strong with our Leadership team! Our first service project is this weekend and we are planning for a fun year! September 3, 2023: It takes a team to pull of a successful fundraiser like we had today! These are just a few of the Lions that pulled the Marksmen concert all together for a successful event. Raising money for our service projects couldn’t be more fun with these Lion Club members. August 23, 2023: WOW!!!! Paul Stehlik told us his story about being a pilot and on his way to New York on the morning of September 11, 2001. Thank you Paul, for telling us a little about your military career and how it affected the decisions you made while in the air and getting reports of what was happing in NY. We appreciated you taking the time to share such an impactful and fateful morning. August 16, 2023: We were guests at the Cornerstone Ranch where we took a tour and enjoyed lunch with the Ranchers. It was a pretty perfect meeting. August 9, 2023: When we get the call there are High School students needing essentials for school, We Serve! This is just a few of the supplies we are sending to one of our high schools. August 9, 2023: Joe Sadowy, President of the McKinney Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association, gave us a wonderful presentation about joining the Citizens Police Academy and how we can be involved. August 5, 2023: We tried something new today and attended the Above All Things Health Fair with our children’s vision screeners.The McKinney Morning Pride joined us to let the adults know when their next vision screening will occur. It was a great day! August 3, 2023: Lion Keith and Lion Rebeka attended President and Treasurer training at the District 2E2 District meeting. We are ready to get this Lions Club year started! Thank you Olia Davis, President of McKinney Senior Service Alliance (SSA), and Renee Thornton, Co-Chair of the Civic Duties. It was great to learn about your organization and how you are benefiting Seniors in our community. Renee Thornton has a special history with Lions Club. Her Dad was a Lion in Kansas, where he was President and Zone Chair. Teamwork gets the word out! McKinney Lions Club President, Rebeka Ecker and McKinney’s Morning Pride President, Bob Appel, shared Lions Club information at the Serve McKinney event at Collin College. It was a great feeling being in a room full of non-profits! Congratulations to our 2 – B. B. Cope Scholarship winners. Each student won a $2,000 scholarship. April 14th was pretty darn close to perfect! These Lions talked about Texas Lions Camp and worked the running long jump while supporting over 800 Special Olympic athletes. Our Club has supported City Church (an out reach for youth) during spring break for the past few years as they prepare lunch for local children. One of our global causes is making sure our community members have access to nutritious foods and what better way for us to help our community! We presented a check for $1,000. Texas Lions Club Leadership training with President of the Mt. Pleasant Lions Club, Christine Ballard (L) and Rebeka Ecker. Thank you, Lion Stella Uribe Stevens for delivering our donations to McKinney Boyd High School this morning. You are a true example of what being a Lion in Lions Club is all about. We are proud sponsors of McKinney ISD Project Graduation. Our McKinney Lions Club isn’t just any ole’ Club! We rolled up our sleeves and served alongside many other volunteers to help make the Hugs Gala a success. We had to have a picture with Hunter Heinrichs. When you are ready to start planting, make the trip to the Hugs Greenhouse! President Rebeka Smith Ecker and Lion Stella Uribe Stevens visited all three McKinney High Schools to present Student of the Month Awards. Students are selected by teachers and administrators for their academic excellence, character and community service. We have a very special shout out to Dr. Lion Zoe Collier and her Smile McKinney Dental office for sponsoring a toy drive for our McKinney Lions Club this year. Lion Zoe’s office will provide toys for 7 teen mom’s children served by Early Head Start in McKinney. This is Smile McKinney Staff with Dr. Lion Zoe Collier. Dr. Lion Zoé with staff from McKinney’s Early Head Start and President Lion Rebeka Smith Ecker. Our Club spent a full day of shifts “Ringing the Bell” for the Salvation Army on Saturday. We saw gratitude and generosity all day, while having fun visiting with each other. December 2021 “Ringing the Bell” with the Salvation Army Salvation Army “Ringing the Bell” Salvation Army “Ringing the Bell” December 2021 Lion Robert told his story and his “Why” for being a member of Lions Club. Lion Robert shared how his father’s leadership in Lions Club molded how he views “Serving Others” and making a difference in our communities. His love and compassion for Lionism clearly showed through his words. Thank you Lion Robert, for making a difference everyday. Lion Zoe always brings the laughs as our lion tamer! December 2021 The McKinney Lions recently traveled to the District Eye-Glass Recycling Center where they cleaned, calibrated and sorted eye glasses to be sent all over the world. November 2021 Welcome to the newest McKinney Lions Club members pictured with their sponsors. The McKinney Noon Lions Grocery Dash participants, including Vicki and Jennifer Lion Johnny, the November 2021 Lion of the Month Learning about the Salvation Army from Lieutenant Cristina Lion Hal brought a small portion of his Lions club pins.